The Hunt #2

30 min approx.

The Hunt #2 was a live art action in which the artist issued an open call for a hunt of an ‘exotic animal’wioth a cash award of CHF 100/-. Six hunters participated. Three of the best photos of each hunter were displayed on Instagram.  After much consideration, the Grand Jury, wrote a citation and defined a transparent process through which a winner was chosen on 3rd July 2021. A participation certificate was also given to each hunter.

The performance traces the lineage of contemporary image making to imperialism and colonialism.


MUSEUM 1 / 5th June.


THE HUNT is a Live Art intervention by Parvez for his ongoing show, COMMODI-FICTION, curated by Stephan Wittmer that opened at Museum 1 on April 10 and will run until October 2, 2021.

This Open Call is to invite YOU to participate in an exciting hunt that requires shooting an ‘exotic’ animal (arranged by the artist) at Museum 1.

Rules for participation:

  1. Maximum 30 hunters can be accepted for THE HUNT.
  2. Amateurs and Professionals from any part of the world, who shoot with camera of any sort, are invited.
  3. First 30 people to register will be selected.
  4. Bring your own weapons – Mobile Phone with Camera / Camera
  5. The animal can only be shot with a Camera.
  6. Best photo to be uploaded / sent to a pre-specified email / site.
  7. Best Hunter to be announced and awarded on 3rd July at Museum 1.
  8. Participating Hunters will be briefed about specific instructions and rules 15 minutes before THE HUNT on 5th June at Museum 1.
  9. Jury’s decision will be final and binding on all participants and must not be challenged in any way under any circumstances.
  10. Registration and participation in The Hunt implies that you have agreed to abide by all the rules.
  11. Copyright of the photos will be mutually shared by the Hunter and the Artist.

To register, send your name and email ID to with the subject: ‘Registration for THE HUNT’.

Performed at:
Commodi-Fiction – Museum 1, Luzern. Apr 10, 2021