Version 1 – 2016 / 5:00 min.
Version 2 – 2018 / 9:00 min.
Video with graphics
Single channel. Stereo Audio. HD

Industrialization has produced a massive shift in the social perception of time. The present day consumerist culture, where ‘money’ is believed to be the key for everything, has a lot to do with this convoluted idea of time. Common phrases like ‘Time equals money’, ‘work is worship’ or ‘money talks and bullshit walks’ are also the manifestations of the same irrationality.
In this time-based-production-oriented-society, the 9-5 Clock amplifies the importance of time by shifting the stress, that is conventionally placed on each hour, to each minute.
The ‘9-5 Clock’ counts every second with a strobe pulse. The striking, pop colors enforce an acknowledgement of passage of time – a step ahead for the strategically placed clocks in work spaces. The carefully compiled alarm sounds underline every passing minute, to amplify its importance.
While Version 1 uses all the digits from 1 to 12, Version 2 discards the irrelevant ones and has only the numbers ‘9 to 5’, each occupies the place of pride in the clock, as the digits move one step back every minute.
– – eBoard des Congress Centre, Basel. Nov 2017
– Platform Blind_spot – Ausstellungsraum Klingental / RANK, Basel. Nov 2018 – Jan 2019